
Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society

Periodical Publishing
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Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society is an international scientific journal dedicated to all fields of geography and interrelated fields of earth, ecological, social, economic and geoinformation sciences. It is the oldest and the most representative journal of the Society published regularly in three periods since 1933. The geographical scope of the journal covers all the world with special attention to the Southeastern Europe and the Balkans. ISSN 2738-8115 (online) | ISSN 2738-8107 (print) Publication types: Research article, Review article, Short communication, Editorial, Correspondence, Book review, Review essay, Special issue papers Indexed: Scopus, DOAJ, ASOS Indeks, Baidu Scholar, BASE, Cabell's Directory, ChronosHub, CrossRef, Dimensions, EBSCO Essentials, ERIH PLUS, EZB, Google Scholar, iDiscover (University of Cambridge), JournalTOCs, Library of Congress, LIVIVO, NACID, OpenCitations, QOAM (Quality Open Access Market), ROAD, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Semantic Scholar, Sherpa/Romeo, SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online), Web of Science Researcher Profile (ex-Publons), WorldCat, ZDB Archived: CLOCKSS, Zenodo, Portico Backlist volumes are available from here: -- Opening editorial: Nedkov S, Pickles J, Naydenov K, Prodanova H (2021) Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society: the new vision and perspectives. Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society 44: 3-5.