
Indian Sugar Mills Association

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Indian Sugar Mills Association


Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) is an apex body of private sugar industries in India. There are about 250 members currently registered with this Association. ISMA is recognized by both the Central Government and State Governments as the apex sugar body in the country, to voice the concerns of the private sugar mills and the sugar industry as a whole. ISMA works very closely with a wide network of State sugar Associations (Affiliated Associations) to address concerns of sugar mills in respective States for effective resolution with the Central Government. ISMA is dedicated for the betterment of sugarcane farmers in the country, and one of the main objective of ISMA is to protect the interest of the cane farmers in the country, for whom sugarcane is the only source of livelihood. ISMA is engaged with the Government to develop long-term policies whereby the interest of its main stakeholders- farmers, millers and consumers are sustained and protected against the cyclical nature of the industry, thereby ensuring it is growth oriented. The gamut of ISMA is not only restricted to its member factories or domestic sugar industry only. It is joining hands for close cooperation with sugar consumers, sugar traders and other stakeholders, to come under a single platform to address issues facing each stakeholder and move along as a cohesive unit.