
Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo (IAC)

Civic and Social Organizations


The Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo IAC is an independent association of over 500 professionals dedicated to contemporary art that, beyond the particular labour union interests, intends to benefit the entire artistic community. IAC develops initiatives in order to favour the improvement and enhancement of our institutional network dedicated to contemporary art, ensuring the progressive implementation of good practices and promoting a new social perception of current Spanish art. IAC contributes to creating a climate of dialogue and analysis through the activity of several working groups on education, museums, transparency, heritage, internationalization, legal rights and relationships between the different professionals in the sector (artists, curators, art critics, cultural managers, educators, mediators, gallery owners, collectors) and institutions. IAC is also part of the Spanish Sectorial Committee of Contemporary Art. El Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo (IAC) es una asociación independiente de profesionales dedicados al arte actual que, más allá de los intereses gremiales particulares, pretende beneficiar al conjunto de la comunidad artística. El IAC desarrolla iniciativas con el fin de favorecer la mejora y el perfeccionamiento de nuestra red institucional dedicada al arte contemporáneo, para velar por la progresiva implantación de buenas prácticas e impulsar una nueva percepción social del arte español actual.