
IREC - Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya

Research Services


IREC is the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, a CERCA institute. Its mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of our society implementing industrial competitiveness, generating scientific knowledge and building technology around energy related issues. IREC works on Applied Research (aimed at generating knowledge within groups of the Institute, with an intermediate-term or long-term goal in mind), and on Technology Research (focused on collaboration with Industry to create new technical solutions to bring science and technology to the innovation). The Institute’s position is defined by the balance and interaction between these two approaches. IREC collaborates with the Government, universities and industry, and this is reflected in the structure of its Board of Trustees. Applied Research Units: » Advanced Materials for Energy Unit: • Funtional Nanomaterials • Solar Energy Materials and Systems • Nanoionics and Fuel Cells • Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis » Energy efficiency: Systems, Buildings and Communities Unit: • Thermal Energy & Buildings Performance • Energy System Analytics • Power Systems • Program for Fusion Technology Development (bFus)