
Innovic Technology Corporation Limited



Innovic Technology Corporation Limited ("Innovic"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Telecom Global Limited ("CTG”), was founded in 2021 and is headquartered in Hong Kong, China. With the vision to become a leading DICT service provider in Asia-Pacific, Innovic leverages its strong R&D capabilities and specialties in DICT integration services to enable enterprises to expedite the digital transformation journey. Supported by CTG’s extensive global network, Innovic enjoys vast cloud-network resources around the globe. Collaborating with over 300 global partners and securing reliable localized operations, Innovic is dedicated to empowering businesses to seize digital transformation opportunities and accelerate global expansion. With a comprehensive product offering, Innovic provides a wide array of solutions and services, including global intelligent cloud-network services, MSP public cloud ecosystem services, hybrid cloud integration services to facilitate overseas and local operations, and integrated digital solutions for business partners in a wide range of sectors, such as Government, Finance, Internet, Manufacturing and Retail. 翼威科技有限公司(下稱「翼威公司」)成立于2021年,爲中國電信國際有限公司旗下的全資子公司,其總部設于中國香港特別行政區。翼威公司以成爲「亞太地區領先的DICT專業服務提供商」爲願景,專注DICT領域的技術研發和集成服務,爲客戶的數字化轉型提供全面的支持。 依托母公司强大的全球網絡,翼威公司的雲網資源遍布世界各地,幷與超過300個全球合作夥伴携手,擁有可靠的屬地化運營能力,致力爲衆多大型中資企業及跨國企業的業務轉型創造價值,助力客戶拓展全球覆蓋,實現業務增長。 現時,翼威公司的業務範圍涵蓋全球智能雲網服務、公有雲MSP生態服務、海外本地混合雲集成服務,幷能爲政務、金融、互聯網、製造業、零售業等各行各業客戶提供一體化解决方案。