
Idiom Welsh Translation

Translation and Localization

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Idiom Welsh Translation


At Idiom we have more than 20 years' experience of English-Welsh translation. We've a wealth of knowledge of day-to-day working practices and a firm footing in the Welsh social and political landscape. Headed by Elen, who has a PhD in sociolinguistics, you are sure to receive a translation that is both accurate and fluent. At Idiom we're experienced in a wide range of different types of translation work, including for public, voluntary, private and education sectors, from factual to fictional, from long reports to short and sweet social media posts, and for children and adults. Keen attention to detail and translations that are accurate, readable, fluid and fluent are hallmarks of our work. At Idiom your translation will be drafted / edited by a full member of Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru - the association of Welsh translators and interpreters - the only professional organisation to specifically accredit Welsh translators. Mae gan Idiom dros 20 mlynedd o brofiad o gyfieithu rhwng y Saesneg a'r Gymraeg. Mae gyda ni stôr o wybodaeth am arferion gwaith dydd-i-ddydd ac rydym wedi'n trwytho yn nhirwedd gymdeithasol a gwleidyddol Cymru. Dan arweiniad Elen, sydd â doethuriaeth mewn ieithyddiaeth gymdeithasegol, rydych chi'n sicr o dderbyn cyfieithiad cywir a rhugl. Mae gan Idiom brofiad o amrywiaeth eang o wahanol fathau o waith cyfieithu, yn cynnwys i'r sectorau cymdeithasol, gwirfoddol, preifat ac addysg, o ffaith i ffuglen, o adroddiadau hirion i gynildeb postiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac ar gyfer plant ac oedolion. Mae sylw gofalus i fanylion a chyfieithiadau sy'n gywir, yn hawdd eu deall, yn ystwyth ac yn rhugl yn nodweddu'n gwaith. Yn Idiom caiff eich cyfieithiadau eu drafftio / golygu gan aelod cyflawn o Gymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru, yr unig sefydliad proffesiynol sy'n achredu cyfieithwyr Cymraeg yn benodol.