

Business Consulting and Services

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ICUnet is Europe’s biggest provider and quality leader for intercultural consultation, qualification, global mobility management and strategy consulting. The interdisciplinary team of experts is made up of over 160 permanent employees together with more than 350 freelance employees with competence for over 75 countries and 25 languages. As an intercultural management consultancy, ICUnet provides all intercultural services related with the assignment management process. This synergy effect is unique. In Europe, ICUnet has 26 DAX listed companies as well as over 350 family-run companies of the European economy among its clients. Each year, ICUnet successfully completes over 8,000 foreign assignments in the area of assignment management and intercultural training. ICUnet Intercultural Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. focuses on supporting and consulting the intercultural cooperation of Chinese and foreign, especially German companies. For its customers, this means the long-term protection and improvement of worldwide business success, significantly reduced risk and much lower costs during foreign assignments as well as more motivated and better trained employees. 德国企业ICUnet.AG是欧洲跨文化企业管理咨询、培训以及跨国外派服务领军企业.我们拥有一支160个固定员工及350个自由职业培训讲师组成的融合了各个领域专家的精英团队。我们的服务范围覆盖75个国家 和25种语言,为国际化公司的跨国外派项目提供全方位的全程伴随式跨文化咨询, 培训和外派项目管理的组合式服务。这种组合服务是产业内独一无二的。 在欧洲,ICUnet 的长期客户包括26家德国DAX上市企业、16家在欧洲Euro Stoxx上市的企业、以及超过250家欧洲重要中型家族企业。ICUnet.AG每年都成功地为超过8000个跨国外派项目提供项目管理和跨文化咨询培训服务。 ICUnet Intercultural Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (艾事通企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司, 后简称为:艾事通(上海))是ICUnet 在中国的第一家子公司。在中国,艾事通(上海)将专注于为中外跨国企业,尤其是为在华中德国企业的合作提供跨文化商务交流方面的支持以及相关项目的咨询与培训服务。对于ICUnet 的客户来说,这不仅意味在华商业的稳步成功、外派工作中伴随的风险和成本的有效减小、以及拥有训练有素和适应国际化需求的员工。 此外,艾事通(上海)还将致力于中德文化背景下的企业合作的跨文化培训咨询及资质认证,为顾客提供量体裁衣的咨询服务,如跨文化培训,教练, 团队发展建设, 跨文化沟通以及跨文化演讲技巧等相关培训项目。

  • Bayern;Österreich

    Bayern;Österreich, Grenzsteig, Pleckensteiner Wald, Landkreis Freyung-Grafenau, Bavaria, 94089, Germany

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  • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Gemeindezentrum)

    Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Gemeindezentrum), 18, Sankt-Jakobs-Platz, Angerviertel, Altstadt-Lehel, Munich, Bavaria, 80331, Germany

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  • Langen

    Langen, Landkreis Offenbach, Hesse, 63225, Germany

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  • Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH

    Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Witten-Mitte, Witten, Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia, 58455, Germany

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