
Hungarian Society of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (HSPPPM)

Medical Practices


The Hungarian Society of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (HSPPPM) researches the prenatal and perinatal periods, fetal experiences and fetal competencies, mother-fetus communications, experiences of the mother and the newborn around birth, early attachment, and the cognitive and affective disorders of all these. The HSPPPM emphasizes the need of further development of therapeutic methods that are based on a deeper understanding of the prenatal experiences. The Society's approach is holistic and interdisciplinary. It was founded in 1996 by Dr. György Hidas and by Ph.D. Jenő Raffai as the Hungarian member of the ISPPM, the International Society for Pre- and Perinatal Medicine. Board members as of 2023: President dr. Balázs BÁLINT, obstetrician Vice presidents: Dr. Andrea ANDREK PhD psychologist, and Zsuzsanna LIPTAKNE HORVATH perinatal consultant Board members: dr. Eszter BODROGI, neonatologist dr. Diana DWEIK, gynacologist Krisztina GITIDISZNÉ GYETVÁN, health visitor Dr. Éva HADHÁZI PhD, psychologist, mother-fetus bonding analyst Katalin KOVÁCS, perinatal consultant Judit Eszter MOLNÁR, clinical psychologist Csilla ÖRDÖGH, psychologist, perinatal consultant dr. Ágnes SOMKÖVI, MD. pulmonologist, mother-fetus bonding analyst Dr. Zsuzsa KOVÁCSNÉ TÖRÖK PhD, psychologist