
Group Libre Hospitality 丽柏乐集团



Group Libre marks the new chapter in the lifestyle story. It is an unexpected, spontaneous, refreshing collection of individualized, one of a kind lifestyle brands. It has a deep Chinese heritage together with modern creative elements. 丽柏乐集团将翻开人们生活方式的新篇章,它是一个极具个性、出乎人们意料并让人耳目一新的生活方式集团品牌,它带着深厚的东方传统文化渊源,同时又融合了创新性的现代元素。 We don't have a dream, but we have plenty of goals to meet. All because we simply do not want to be one of the many, we want to become the one. Making promises to our guests is not enough to pursue our goals, a commitment needs to be set. 我们有的不止是梦想还有付诸实际的魄力。一切努力只因为我们不想成为多数中的某一个,而是独一无二的自己。 Crafting sparks 创造花火 Happiness is what we are actively trying to provide to our guests. It is an experience of joy, positive well-being, and a meaningful life. We deliberately keep on crafting memorable moments of truth in all aspects by prioritizing our guest’s individual desire. We firmly believe everyone will find their spark of joy with us. 幸福感是我们试图带给客人的感受,它是一种快乐的经历、是一种积极的态度和有意义的生活。我们看重每个人对生活的期许和愿望,所以我们特意在各个方面给客人制造难以忘怀的真实时刻。我们坚信和我们在一起的每个人都可以找到自己的快乐源泉。 Only the Finest 唯有最好 The allure of quality has always been our big thing. We strive for the ultimate standards in all Libre properties. We emphasize on “timing.” We are passionate and patient; we wait for the right time to do things in the right ways and the right principles for the best of all people. 高品质的服务一直是我们所关注的,我们在丽柏乐商业体的各个方面都践行着最高标准。我们深知把握时机的重要,我们热情并极具耐心,等待着最好的时机,以最贴切的方式和原则为我们的客人提供更好的产品和服务。 • Sustainable Fashion 可持续性 The rapid growth of economy globally coincided with the exploit of the environment. As a lifestyle collection, we embrace the ideals of enjoying life in a sustainable fashion. We understand our efforts in sustainability serves the interest of our future generations; hence we are responsible and accountable by all means. 高速发展的全球经济以及人们日常生活方式的改变给环境带来巨大的挑战。作为一个生活方式的集团品牌,我们坚持在可持续发展的理念下创造时尚生活,这将有益于我们的后代和环境。我们会使用科学的方法支持可持续性的发展。