
GreensKeeper Asset Management Inc.

Investment Management


GreensKeeper is an independent, owner-managed asset management company. Our offering is based on a time-tested value-investing methodology. Our mission is to deliver superior long-term returns to our clients while prudently managing risk and protecting their capital. Our investment philosophy: We approach equities with a value-investing mindset. The stock market is prone to emotional mood swings. Our job is to research, be objective, and pounce when attractive opportunities present themselves. To us, valuation matters and so does margin of safety. We are conservative in the preservation of capital, and hence we believe avoiding loss is just as important as growth. Finally, we are extremely patient and disciplined. We act with conviction if we believe the opportunity is right. Once owned, we often hold stocks for a long time which minimizes transaction fees and allows our investments to compound. Feel free to contact us. Email: Twitter: Facebook: