
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering

Research Services


Just as Osaka University has developed in close cooperation with the local communities, the School of Engineering has also developed and grown together with local communities and local industries in Osaka ever since its beginning as the Osaka Technology School. The history of this school began with the founding of the Osaka Technology School in Tamae-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka in 1896. Osaka at that time was growing rapidly not only as a center of commerce, but also in industries such as textiles and shipbuilding, and the government and private citizens joined together at this time to establish a technology school. Counting from this date, the Osaka University School of Engineering reached its 100th anniversary in 1996. In 1929, this school was re-launched as the Osaka Technological College. Two years after the founding of Osaka Imperial University in 1931, the Osaka Technological College was incorporated into Osaka Imperial University and became the Osaka Imperial University School of Engineering. It started at that time with six departments, however seeing the needs of the industrial world and future growth potential, in the succeeding years it added other departments which the Imperial University lacked, such as precision engineering, communications, and welding. In this way, the foundation of the current School of Engineering was created. Although most of the university buildings were burned during the Second World War, in 1947 the school changed its name to the Osaka University School of Engineering, and in 1949 it reopened as part of a new university. The organization and facilities were gradually expanded and in 1970, the school finished relocating to the Suita Campus in Yamadaoka, Suita-shi. The Suita Campus continues to be highly rated among national universities for its educational environment