
Gogreen forest

Environmental Services

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Gogreen forest


One of the biggest challenge humanity is facing in a present situation is of rising global temperature, which significantly provoked sudden climate changes and at the same time our major cities and their dwellers are suffering from various kind of pollution, such as: air, water, soil, noise, etc. But what is the solution for these catastrophic circumstances, the solution of all these problems lies below our feet, not in the jungle of concrete structures where we are living today, i.e. solution lies in the soil, and moreover the soil is the second largest depositor of carbon dioxide after the ocean, but how do we inoculate carbon dioxide, which is the greenhouse gas and major cause for the global warming, into the soil to reduce pollution in our cities and eventually global warming, all we need to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and safely sequestering it into the soil. A fence cluster of trees i.e. Forest absorbs all the particulate pollutants from the air in its surroundings to make air clean, healthy and breathable, roots of the trees tightly binds the soil and it also helps to reduce soil erosion therefore a healthy forest can reduce the problem of soil erosion completely. A forest is the mega factory, which runs on solar energy and harvests almost all the solar energy falls over it and converts this solar energy into our food, fuel, medicines, shelter while absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen and water as the waste product. As our first step towards the regeneration of Nature. We invite all of you to GOGREEN FOREST. This forest spreads across 6 Acre of land and have thousands of native trees of around hundreds different species. Every-inch of this forest is man-made and it is just a little more than 2 years old, still filters tons of carbon dioxide everyday and also producing natural oxygen into the atmosphere.