
Fresh Content

Writing and Editing
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Create content that gets your face in front of the right people so they throw money at it. That stuff is a combination of creative words, clean design, lead generation, and search engine optimization. Put those four things together the right way and people see your neon sign on the roadside, stop at your shop, browse your goods, and tap their cards. You hire a content marketer to make that flow happen. Muck any of that up and you don't snag the drive-bys; your shop struggles on a side road off the main route. Tumbleweeds blow by, your windows dirt up, and that open sign hangs akimbo. Sadness. Outsource your content strategy and turn the tumbleweeds into greenbacks. People have to know about your shop to show up. And your shop has to look amazing once they're inside. That's what you pay for: eyeballs on your stuff that's nicely packaged. That's what I do. I look at where you are and where your competition is and then I work to close any gaps and get you out there on social media while we improve optimization.