
Swiss Federal Social Security Funds - compenswiss

Financial Services


Who we are The Swiss Federal Social Security Funds, identified under its brand name “compenswiss”, are the central managers of the funds and assets of the Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (AHV), the Federal Disability Insurance (IV) and the Income Compensation Scheme (EO). Our goal is therefore to provide these three institutions, which are the cement of the Swiss social insurance system, with a professional finance and investment structure. Our two core tasks are : - to ensure that the AHV, IV and EO benefits can be paid at all times; - to invest the assets safely while providing market returns. Our main activities Our main financial activities are distributed among others, over the following main fields : cash and cash equivalents ; loans ; Swiss franc and foreign currency bonds ; Swiss and foreign equities ; real estate investments ; tactical investments ; commodities. Our structure Independent by law, the Swiss Federal Social Security Funds are managed by a Board of directors appointed by the Federal Council. The Board of directors must submit an annual report with the balance sheet of the Swiss Federal Social Security Funds and the operating statements of the AHV, IV and EO to the Federal Council. The Swiss Federal Social Security Funds are based in Geneva.