
Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau e.V.



The Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau e. V. (non-profit) is a broad association of committed private individuals. (non-profit) is a broad association of committed private individuals, businesses and institutions from agriculture, processing, trade and science as well as organisations that advocate animal rights and a vegan lifestyle. Its aim is to promote cycle-based organic farming without commercial livestock and slaughter animals and without the use of fertilisers and inputs of animal origin. The association advises farms on the conversion to biocyclic-vegan cultivation and raises public awareness of the advantages of biocyclic-vegan cultivation. Furthermore, it accompanies research projects on the targeted build-up of humus and the sustainable increase of soil fertility through the use of a purely plant based bio-cyclic humus soil. In this context, the Förderkreis Biozyklisch Veganer Anbau e.V. is part of a larger network of similar organisations in various European countries (International Biocyclic Vegan Network), which, in cooperation with the Adolf Hoops-Gesellschaft mbH (publisher of the guidelines and the Biocyclic Vegan Seal of Quality) and the international coordination office BNS Biocyclic Network Services Ltd. are jointly committed to the further development of biocyclic-vegan cultivation. The Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau e. V. currently has about 70 members who support its work and are committed to its goals. In addition to the board team, many members are also involved in six working groups on various topics.