
HOME Езиковият Ти Дом

Education Administration Programs


HOME language center is the place, dear reader, where you are always welcome, even if you don`t want to learn the language, or you are not sure, just come and drink a cup of tea.. HOME is the place where you can choose either to learn it though a non-formal method, individually, with a specific target, to visit only lessons which you think you need or choose a specific age group which you would feel most comfortable in. Whatever you choose, we are ready to work it with you, so that we find the method that suits you the most and is the most useful, and in that case- only in that case, for us too. HOME is the place which you will leave with way more opportunities, so that you can change your life for better, because as Nelson Mandela said: If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. If you have also just come to Bulgaria and need to really make yourself at home and learn Bulgarian, just come HOME. HOME is the place where you will meet new emotions, play new games, meet new people and in the meantime you will learn a language.. We accept teaching as a mission and you are always welcome in our home, because what makes our home what it is, are the people who enter it..