
Ethiopian Civil Service Commistion

Government Administration


Mission To enable government institutions to efficiently and effectively fulfill their mandates and achieve policies and strategies, to efficiently manage human resource development and management activities, to support, monitor, coordinate and control the effective implementation of change and service delivery improvement programs, to ensure a strong and effective government administration system that serves the people and citizens. Vision In 2022, among the five African countries that have institutions that provide services effectively and civil servants who are praised for the good values they have built. Seeing Ethiopia as one. Strategic goals of the Civil Service Commission 1. Building a free and independent employment and government system, [Administrative Court and Inspection] 2. Facilitating the organization of skilled government service providers and the construction of a job evaluation system, [value for money: JEG] 3. Acceleration of good work culture and value building, (Behaviour: Core Competency) 4. Establishing an efficient and effective management and professional competency certification system, (Technical competency) 5. Improving and strengthening a modern and quality service delivery system (value for taxpayers' money and commercial outcomes), 6. Evaluation of work performance from the result of the institution (Delivering valuable services for money) and from the reward (Reward) hook up with 7. Accelerating the construction of e-civil service delivery system,