
Europe-Taiwan Biotech Association

Biotechnology Research
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Europe-Taiwan Biotech Association (ETBA) was established in 2017 by a group of young Taiwanese professionals and students residing in Switzerland. ETBA is a non-profit association governed by the present statutes as well as by Articles 60 et seq. of Swiss Civil Code. ETBA is a legal entity and is independent from any particular political or religious affiliations. The headquarter of the association is located in Zürich, Switzerland. As a young association, ETBA has initiated an important step connecting Taiwanese experts from the bio- and medtech fields in Europe. Covering a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary applications, the fields require experts from various domains. Therefore, people from all the fields are sincerely welcome to join us, to participate in our events, or to be a volunteer supporting the operation and to have fun, as long as you have interest in the field. We expect this association to be a catalyst stimulating the collaborations in biotechnology between Taiwan and European countries. Missions 1) Strengthen international collaborations between Taiwan and European countries in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology. 2) Enhance the application of biotechnology by promoting collaborations between academia, industry and government entities. 3) Cultivate students and young talents with inter-cultural exposure and international work experience. 歐洲台灣生技協會(ETBA)創立於2017,是由一群在瑞士工作及讀書的台灣人自發性創立的社團,歐洲台灣生技協會(ETBA)是依照瑞士民法設立的非營利組織,協會運作需符合協會內部章程以及瑞士民法的規範。本協會具有法人資格,不隸屬於任何政治或宗教團體。協會的總部設於瑞士蘇黎世。 生物科技涵蓋的範圍非常廣,在科技的研發或是應用上經常需要跨領域的人才相互合作。因此不論你是生技領域的專家,或者是對這領域有興趣的夥伴們,我們都非常歡迎您一起加入我們的行列,互相學習,一起成長茁壯。 我們期許這個協會能為推動台灣與歐洲之間生技交流的一股助力。 協會宗旨 1) 促進台灣與歐洲國家在生物科技、製藥業、及醫療技術等領域的雙邊國際合作 2) 透過台灣與歐洲國家產官學的合作以強化生物科技在實務面的應用 3) 培養年輕學子的國際視野及海外的工作經驗