
Fondazione Sequeri Esagramma Onlus

Individual and Family Services


Fondazione Sequeri Esagramma Onlus is a research, therapy and education center that since 1983 has been operating in various fields with the aim of enhancing and supporting the personal and relational development of all people, especially in situations of disadvantage (physical, mental, economic or social). The Foundation offers rehabilitative and educational courses aimed at people with and without disabilities (MusicoTerapiaOrchestrale, EducazioneOrchestraleInclusiva, EducazioneVocaleAffettiva, ProvaL'Orchestra, EnglishCampOrchestra) which are based on the educational potential of musical and artistic language in its richness and on the conviction that the complex forms of art is a right and a precious opportunity for everyone. The Orchestra Sinfonica Esagramma, composed of musicians with and without disabilities, was the first European inclusive symphony orchestra and constantly performs on Italian and international stages. The innovative experience of the Foundation and its research activity form the basis of the training courses for professionals on the Metodo Esagramma and on its use for the promotion of inclusive education. Esagramma Psicoterapia offers individual, couple and family psychotherapy pathways, also in English, a team for the first DSA and BES certification with study support and parent training services for parents, yoga and mindfulness courses. All resources support the well-being of the person, with reduced rates that further support the Hexagram activities for people with disabilities.