
ERASMO - Enhanced Receiver for AutonomouS Mobility

Defense and Space Manufacturing
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The ERASMO project is funded by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme under the European Union’s Fundamental Elements research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. GSA/GRANT/03/2018. The main objective will be that of developing an innovative positioning On-Board-Unit (OBU) that will enable fully automated driving. This OBU will be integrating a GNSS receiver together with additional sensors to enable the target applications’ performance. To meet the required performance targets, the proposed OBU might also make use of a communication channel in order to take advantage of the cooperative positioning concept. The OBU will optimally leverage the E-GNSS differentiators, by implementing one or several of the following aspects:  Multi-constellation, multi-frequencies (E1 or E5, alternatively E1 and E6, ideally also including the E5/AltBOC wideband processing).  High accuracy techniques (PPP, RTK or hybrid options), as well as longer integration time thanks to the use of pilot signals.  Galileo authentication features increasing the solution trustworthiness.