
Engineering Optics Lab - Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

Research Services


Engineering Optics Lab is involved with the application of optical techniques for whole field stress/strain analysis of any structural components. Our broad area of research covers Material Characterisation, High-temperature material testing, Fundamental fracture studies, Damage mechanics, Mechanical joints, Thin shells, Biomechanics, and Composite repair. We are actively involved in fracture and fatigue studies in CFRP laminates and Aluminium alloys. Also, we are studying the repair aspects applicable to aerospace & automobile structures involving various experimental techniques like DIC, Strain Gauges, Digital Reflection & Transmission Photoelasticity, and FEA. This lab is headed by Prof. M. Ramji, Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and his areas of interest include Optical Methods in Engineering, Applied FEA and Fracture, Experimental Stress Analysis, Inverse problem in Solid Mechanics, and Composite Repair.