
Emmay Entertainment & Motion Pictures

Movies and Sound Recording


We make movies. Full feature, shorts, tele-films, digital. The kind that go well with popcorn-cola, nimboo paani-chaat combos. The kind that go well whether consumed solo or with likeminded souls. The kind that ignite your brain’s frontal cortex (that’s the part that makes you laugh, cry, sigh). As producers, we are committed to our audiences first and foremost. We get that you have an option when you decide to watch cinema. We get that you’re choosing us over time spent on a valuable business deal, a job that pays well, an exam that needs preparation, a TV remote that’s addictive, etc etc etc. In an era of information overload, developing content that is original, meaningful and impacting lives, is critical to our company’s mission. In short, we value your choice, and your time. As producers, we are committed to that talent we showcase. From the on-screen artists, to the lead technicians, to the back office that makes a project come of full circle – every one counts. Piecing together a cohesive, competent team that conjures celluloid vision to reality is our company’s strength. As producers, we are committed to our four point value proposition – Imagine. Inspire. Engage. Entertain.