
Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative

Environmental Services


The ELD Initiative is a global science-policy initiative that works to integrate the true value of land and its ecosystem services in decision-making, and to capitalize on this value through policy reforms, economic instruments, institutional design, and financing strategies with the aim of boosting action and investments for sustainable land management and ecosystem restoration. The ELD Initiative thereby contributes to a land degradation neutral world that secures the well-being and resilience of people and the planet. The ELD Initiative was established in 2011 by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the European Commission. The Initiative is coordinated and supported by the ELD Secretariat, which is hosted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). During its first decade, the initiative developed its internationally recognized "6+1 step approach" to assess the economics of land and ecosystem services and applied it in around 30 country case studies for better land decisions. It raised global awareness with 11 global and two continental studies covering 86 Asian and African countries and trained close to 2,000 professionals - NGO representatives, academics, and local and national government officials - to conduct further studies. This body of work was achieved through the engagement of a network of senior professionals from a range of institutions including universities, academics, international development organizations and agencies, and consultants. The ELD Initiative has recently entered its second decade of activities; a "Decade for Action".

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