
Estonian Association of Thermal Engineers (ESTIS)

Oil and Gas
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    Birgit-Lume Paju Environmental, energy and chemical technology student at TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology
    • Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
    • Rising Star
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Eesti Soojustehnikainseneride Selts ESTIS on tulu mittetaotlev organisatsioon, mis ühendab soojusenergeetika ja soojustehnika valdkonnas tegutsevaid insenere ja teadureid ning õppeasutuste soojustehnika eriala õppejõude ja üliõpilasi. ESTIS moodustati 26. mail 2000. a. ja on kantud mittetulundusühingute ja sihtasutuste registrisse 30. novembril 2000. a. ESTIS-e registrikood on 80135808. Alates 16. maist 2002. a. on ESTIS Eesti Inseneride Liidu (EIL) Liige. Estonian Association of Thermal Engineers (ESTIS) is a non-profit organization of professionals in the field of the thermal engineering with the objective to improve the quality of education in the field of thermal engineering; sharing the experiences through the professional seminars, discussions and conferences; assigning engineering qualifications; cooperation with similar associations at home and abroad. ESTIS was established in May 2000. Since 2002 it has been a member of Estonian Association of Civil Engineers.