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In Hindu mythology "Bramh janeti to Brahman" means one who knew the know how of the Universe is highly intellectual. Initially definition of democracy moves around the word "Public". Re-Engineering within this was not possible due to lack of connectivity through electronic devises. Today world is well-user of these, resulting to Identify, Analise, Prioratise and resolve the juncture necessarily in the interest of Federal system, Democracy, Communism, Dictatorship etc. Please agree that within these system common is IN-DIVI-DUAL and Lacs of other impersonal entities. Our values to the mankind can be protected by adopting the principal as "Structured Erosion of Random". For this we need to understand that Human cannot be a manager of other humans. As per "Ayurved" by birth every being has three lacking in respect of Gases, Biles and Cough. While these are not excessive and / or short being is healthful. If not Medical Practitioner do harmonize the said for normal health. Similarly when individual enters in to Society he has ingress three defects in the names of Health, Wealth and knowledge. To make the balance we need to adopt various measures encompassing Prudential Norms at every one of us and / or at the environment conducive to the Society, States, Nations and Universe. Till date we have formulated various standards of Generally Acceptable Accounting Standards in terms of money despite available measures accounting for Time and Energy within the individual and out of individual. Our extant position can derive 4th pillar of Democracy to be nomenclature as "Public Pillar" . Through this synchronization of Govt System in respect of Policies, Implementation and justification can be perused through aspects of Prudential Norms. System extant (not being patented / registered / professed / practiced is only and only proposed initially so that it comes under the preview of Parliament. Law and Execution. Atrocities by the higher to lower through these pilers has become evidential and / or un-evidential facts not being recorded. Through this Local Govt. controlling Local citizens and / or resources can be done. On pilot basis we wish to implement this at the District of Burhanpur Madhya Pradesh India 450331. Our objects for this are: 1. To collect data for creating mirror accounts of Individual in respect of their respective Health, Wealth and Education and keep this updated to remedies every being and non-being in the interest of environment. 2. To account for Time, Energy and Money to reach at optimum productivity to achieve better standards of living. 3. To reduce Petroleum usage @ 50.00% helping clean air, water and waste management. 4. To save energy and time of individual and 5. Keep local Governors informed regarding variations +ve and / or -ve. भुव There are many thoughts / implementation those may suit / and / or do not suit to the specific person or group of person resident of locality. Company has to be registered yet at India and further at Universe, helping mankind and their education, health and finance. This system is an alternate and ultimate to all the systems prevailing where the discrimination is adjudged to be the compliant factor within four piles in every system. We wish to register our Company for the competition please accepts. System proposed by us does generate around 225.00,00,000 jobs at India and enhance production to become India developed nation at the earliest. With warm regards! Hemant Shirbavikar