
EdgeFX Technologies Private Limited

Primary and Secondary Education


Check out our Products tab to see our unique DIY Live Project Kit concept. This unique conept is designed considering the pain engineering graduates pass through in developing their academic project. Edgefx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. uses an innovative strategy framework to deliver a range of research products and services to the Business and Education sectors.The industry acknowledges Edgex Technologies leadership in pioneering technologies fostering growth and implementation in every walk of society. A superior efficiency brought with several years of experience shared by large talent pool of engineers and equipped with competencies in designing and developing Embedded Systems, Architectural System Design and Analysis, High performance circuit board design, Networking & Communications using Embedded Systems. Services @ Edgefx Technologies:- Do It Yourself(DIY) Live Project Efxkits Pilot Projects Research and Developments labs Technical Workshops Engineering Services Project Kits Readymade Kit