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Founded in 2004, The Dukunde Kawa Cooperative (Musasa) cultivates its high-quality coffee in the soil located between 1800 - 2200 m of altitude just near the mountain gorilla habitat in central Rwanda. By producing high-end coffee for the international market and employing a majority female workforce, the cooperative ensures maximum benefits to local families. Currently, Dukundekawa (Musasa Coffee) accounts 1176 coffee farmers which make it capable of producing up to 12 containers of green coffee per year. Fair Trade Certified since 2004, Dukunde Kawa secures a high standard of living for Rwandan farmers by ensuring access to an economically and environmentally sustainable coffee industry. Eighty percent of Dukundekawa's producers are women. The cooperative owns 4 dry mills (Ruli , Mbilima, Nkara and Musambira) all covering more than 392ha of arable land.