
Deiseal Ltd

Education Administration Programs
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Thug sinn ulpan a dh'Alba. Thòisich ulpan ann an Israel còrr is 50 bliadhna air ais. Bhon a sin, chaidh a chleachdadh airson Cuimris a theagasg, agus tha Ùlpan a-nis ri fhaighinn sa Ghàidhlig. Tha sinn a' cruthachadh chùrsaichean Gàidhlig. Tha sinn a' sgrìobhadh chùrsaichean a' cleachdadh an t-siostaim ulpan agus siostaman teagasg chànan eile. Tha sinn a' trèanadh oidean. Gus na cùrsaichean a thoirt seachad, tha sinn feumach air oidean. Tha sinn a' toirt trèanadh do luchd-labhairt fileanta air feadh na dùthcha. ____________________________________________________________________________________ We brought ulpan to Scotland. Ulpan is a revolutionary language learning system first pioneered in the Middle East. Since then, it has been used to teach Welsh and Breton, and now we have adapted it to Scottish Gaelic. We create Gaelic courses. We plan and write Gaelic language courses using the ulpan method combined with innovative practices from other language teaching systems. We train tutors. To deliver our Gaelic courses, we need plenty of tutors. So, we train fluent Gaelic speakers to deliver Ùlpan across the country