
Dear Hong Kong《鄉港家書》

Writing and Editing
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我們正以一個前所未見的嶄新方式來紀錄這個城市的文化多樣性。我們正在採訪150位不同國籍居住在香港的人,並將所有人的肖像和故事匯集成書。 《鄉港家書》源自當日的赤子之心,我們希望向所有香港人完整呈現這個城市的多元化以及這些背景迥異的新香港人,讓我們來看看來自世界各地卻決定以香港為家的人,如何為香港的身份認同帶來新定義。 我們需要您的幫助讓這個計劃成真!沒有您,這個項目決不可能實現。《鄉港家書》才剛起步 支持我們,㩗手邁步! Dear Hong Kong is a book to raise awareness of Hong Kong's cultural diversity. We aim to promote our messages of diversity, unity and mutual understanding in multicultural Hong Kong. We are interviewing the most inspiring representative from the 150 nationalities who live in the city, people who have contributed to Hong Kong with the work they do here or with whatever they bring from their own culture. We hope that these interviews, stories and striking portraits of people showcase the shared passions to contribute to Hong Kong from different sides of the community and why Hong Kong is truly Asia's World City.