
National Research Ethics Committees

Research Services


The National Research Ethics Committees are independent agencies for questions regarding research ethics, and investigation of misconduct, within all subject areas. The National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (NEM) NEM is an advisory and appeal body for the seven regional committees for medical research ethics. If you are to do medical or health research in Norway, or Norwegian scientists within this field doing research abroad, you must apply to the regional committees for medical research ethics (REK). Forms and information are available at REK’s website: Appeals on decisions are sent to REK and will be forwarded to NEM. The National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT) NENT works at policy level by setting guidelines and general statements and meeting. The Committee also deals with individual research projects. Note that the scope of NENT also includes industrial research, agricultural and fisheries research and non-human biotechnology. The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) NESH works at policy level by setting guidelines and general statements and meeting. The Committee also deals with individual research projects. The National Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct If you suspect some kind of research misconduct in your research institution, private or public, you should first check out the procedures set by your institution how to handle such allegations. As a whistle-blower you are protected by the The Working Environment Act. Institutions may redirect an investigation to the Commission if, for example, a case is deemed particularly complicated, has received considerable public attention or due to possible conflicts of interest . The Commission may also decide to investigate a case under authority of the law on misconduct at its own initiative.