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Coin-Report provides due diligence research, ratings, brand identification, media coverage and advisory services to companies that are looking to integrate blockchain technology into their business model and successfully create tokenized networks. Coin-Report is a premier ICO research and blockchain advisory and rating firm. Our team members are seasoned and highly accomplished professionals (economic professors, investment bankers, hedge fund managers, academics) with proven track-records and long-time demonstrated success within a wide range of business and industries. 1. Insights and thought leadership,including observations from our networks, strategic advisor, and overall market scenarios in the cryptocurrency eco-space. 2. High quality fundamental analysis and rating on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and the digital currency market as a whole. 3. Instant news articles and broadcast media insights on the rapidly changing crypto marketplace. 4. Churned out reports on potential and upcoming ICOs in the crypto world which will help business, partners, investors, and other stakeholders to point focus on high rated ICO offerings. 5. Advisory and consulting services for the creation and development of blockchain platforms and token economies.