
Chitosan•Egypt Agricultural Solutions شيتوزان•إيجيبت للحلول الزراعية

Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing


Chitosan Egypt is a biotechnology startup that specializes in the extraction of Chitosan as well as research, development & commercialisation of sustainable chitosan-based industrial solutions . We are proudly MENA's 1st facility that manufactures chitosan mass-scale via our industrial facility as well chemical-biological Lab . Our current industry of focus is agriculture ; where we design 100% organic & PHI=0 crop protection & nutrition formulas around novel bio-compounds; optimised with chitosan . We have to date served 1800+ growers worth 90K+ acres across 15 out of 28 regions in Egypt via 60 Point of Sales outlets across 25+ crops . Our product portfolio consists of 10 pesticide & fertilizers products which cover Seed 2 Harvest phases for export, organic & industrial grade farms as well as a postharvest product line for packhouses & extended storage .