
中国海外安全研究所(China Overseas Security Research Institute)

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中国海外安全研究所(简称:国安所)隶属中国人民大学国家安全研究院,暨中国人民大学国际关系学院,是专司国别安全风险研究及衍生性管理咨询的智库。秉承“宏观视野,微观施行”的核心价值观,发挥产、学、研、用紧密结合的独特优势,以前瞻性的视野对中国海外利益的安全风险进行分析、研判、评估和应对,并通过科研成果的施行,推动境外中资企业海外安全工作体系化和标准化的建设。 Established in November 2016, China Overseas Security Research Institute (COSRI), affiliated to Institute for National Security Studies (School of International Studies), Renmin University of China, is a specialized think-tank focusing on China's overseas security. Sticking to our core value of 'Macroscopic Perspective, Microcosmic Application' and taking advantage of our unique capacity for promoting the industrial application of academic research achievements, COSRI analyzes, assesses, evaluates and mitigates the security risks endangering Chinese overseas interests in a forward-looking approach, and it is committed to promoting the systematization and standardization of the overseas security work of Chinese enterprises.