
Contraloría General de la República | Costa Rica

Government Administration


We are a constitutional institution, auxiliary to the Legislative Assembly that oversees the use of public funds to improve the management of the Public Treasury and contribute to political and citizen control. View : We will guarantee to the Costa Rican society, the effective monitoring of the Public Treasury. Mission: We are the constitutional body, auxiliary to the Legislative Assembly that oversees the use of public funds to improve the management of the Public Treasury and contribute to political and citizen control. Values: The following elements constitute the action guide that should inspire the management and rectitude of the acts of the officials of the General Comptroller of the Republic, in order to implement the institutional vision and mission: • Excellence: Search for the highest quality and performance in daily work. • Respect: Value the rights and ways of thinking of others. • Justice: Give others what corresponds to them according to their rights and duties. • Integrity: It is to perform all actions with rectitude. • Commitment: It is to feel identified with the Comptroller General and thus give the maximum effort.