
Calgary Heritage Initiative Society

Civic and Social Organizations
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    Rick Williams Exploration Consultant, Community Activist, Heritage Advocate
    • Canada
    • Rising Star
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    Chris Edwards Solutions Architect at West Canadian Digital Imaging, President & Co-founder of Calgary Heritage Initiative Society
    • Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    • Top 10%
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The Calgary Heritage Initiative Society (CHI) is an all-volunteer, membership-based heritage advocacy group dedicated to the preservation, productive use, promotion and interpretation of buildings and sites of historic and architectural interest in Calgary. CHI was founded in 2005 and achieved society status in 2006. We are always seeking members and volunteers, and opportunities to work with like-minded organizations, businesses and community groups. Join us or find out the latest heritage news at: @CalgaryHeritage Key interests include: HERITAGE NETWORKING • Facilitating networking and information sharing among heritage advocates and the public. Tools include an email list, a public web forum, Facebook and Twitter. We also encourage and assist neighbourhood-based heritage groups and participate in community Heritage Roundtables. HERITAGE AWARENESS and APPRECIATION • Raising heritage awareness and appreciation through tours, on-site interpretation (e.g. signage), publications, media appearances, website and other creative means. IDENTIFICATION AND RESEARCH • To encourage the identification and research of local sites of city-wide significance for placement on municipal, provincial and federal heritage inventories to encourage their preservation. We do this work and want to help others do it as well. POLICY DEVELOPMENT • We support the development of public policy that supports heritage. This may include providing input to policy plans and community plans, advocating for policy changes, or providing forums for policy discussions. HERITAGE WATCH • Members are invited to attend monthly sub-committee meetings to share information and publicize developments that threaten or conserve heritage, thereby promoting the idea of preservation. This may involve working with developers, businesses, architects, planners and communities to discover possible solutions.