
CALAMITA/À project

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CALAMITA/À is a tool for investigating the contemporary Vajont and the topic of catastrophes in general. The project is edited by Gianpaolo Arena (architect, photographer and editor of Landscape Stories magazine) and Marina Caneve (architect, photographer and specialiazing at ECAL/KABK). Camilla Boemio (contemporary art critic and curator), Niccolò Fano (director of Materia and curator Gallery) and Roberta Agnese (architect, PhD candidate and teaching assistant ) are collaborating with us editing exclusive interviews. CALAMITA/À platform is a big team of photographers, artists, urbanists, geologists, musicians and writers. CALAMITA/À is a no-profit project and, with a lot of efforts, we have been working for more than 2 years. We started this adventure without funds and without supports in 2013 and we are planning to continue to work in the future. What interested us considerably was how the perception of the tragedy and the mutation of the territory has changed. Now, after two years from the launch of CALAMITA/À, the contents on our online platform are multiple. From the beginning, we have chosen to show on-going Vajont site specific projects on our website, asking the authors to work in relatively long periods of time. The main interest is in fact to build an evolving project and to create a collective and shared vision. For the same reason in 2014 we created the Collateral section and the one dedicated to thematic Interviews strongly declined towards current geopolitics, with some insights on topics such as disasters and calamities, transformations both territorial and urban, dynamic identities, climatic changes, the global market, architecture, the tourism industry, ecologic issues, migration and social marginality and minorities. All these topics are related to Vajont tragedy and for us they are important matherial to share with the authors.