
Cağaloğlu Anatolian High School Model United Nations Club



Model United Nations, abbreviated as “MUN'' is a simulation of the United Nations conference. Some high schools and colleges organize a simulation of this conference and make it possible for students to attend. In a regular conference, issues related to politics, economics, and the military from all around the world are reviewed and debated. The topics surrounding the mentioned subjects are divided among the committees, and each committee has a specific agenda item that delegates discuss over the conference days. Due to the pandemic, Cağaloğlu Anatolian High School MUN conference was postponed for two years. After the passing years, with the efforts of all CALMUN team and departments, CALMUN'22 was held at Istanbul Aydın University on May 6-9. The participants in our conference, which was held successfully despite the difficulties, took advantage of the opportunity for four days by engaging in enjoyable committee discussions of the agenda items. CALMUN’22 had 9 committees: GA1, GA4, WHO, Parliament Français, OIC, Minamoto no Yorimoto’s Cabinet, Caesar’s Civil War JCC, UNSC and NATO. Our nine committees reached the number of delegates more than 300 with university and high school students coming from Istanbul and other cities. CALMUN provides you to spend productive time with social activities, entertainments and opportunities, as well as academically. This year, various snacks and beverages were served by our sponsors in committees and at coffee breaks. With the contribution of the organization team and PR department, we organized an entertaining conference. See you at the next conference!