
BMW Taiwan, Pan German Motors Ltd.

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing


BMW身為豪華進口汽車品牌的領導者,以精湛的造車工藝及極致操控性能為人津津樂道,擄獲全球車迷的心。BMW長期致力創新產品研發與落實永續環保製程,結合「前瞻科技」、「性能動力」與「美學設計」建構品牌核心價值,為全球消費者帶來「Sheer Driving Pleasure」極致駕馭樂趣,更以環境永續為使命,透過RE:THINK、RE:DUCE、RE:USE、RE:CYCLE 四大綠色變革原則,打造電動車品牌BMW i,力求實踐零排放目標。 汎德公司自1972年創業以來,不斷追求創新與突破,以代理德國頂級品牌BMW(汽車及摩托車)、MINI和在地化的客戶服務,引領車壇。在台深耕五十年來,汎德公司持續投資同步德國原廠的軟硬體設備,以專業的產品與服務贏得台灣消費者信賴,屢創新高的銷售表現更是在全球BMW進口市場中名列前茅。汎德公司秉持「先有服務、後有銷售」的經營理念,從創業之初一路堅持初衷,全面帶入以客戶體驗為中心的革命思維,期許帶給台灣消費者最頂級貼心的禮遇及服務感受。汎德公司也秉持與德國原廠相同的永續理念,積極於台灣實踐企業社會責任,從教育、環境議題為社會問題提供解決方案。 As a leading brand of luxury automobiles, BMW is devoted to the long-term research and development of innovative products, as well as the implementation of sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. “Pioneering Technology",“Dynamic Performance”, and “Aesthetic Designs" combine to create the core values that bring "Sheer Driving Pleasure" to consumers everywhere. Furthermore, founded on the mission of environmental sustainability, BMW's sub-brand BMW i focuses on the development of electrical, sustainable mobility. Driven by the transformative circular approach of RE:THINK, RE:DUCE, RE:USE, and RE:CYCLE, BMW i strives toward the ultimate goal of zero emissions. Pan German Motors Ltd., the importer of German brands BMW (automobiles & motorcycles) and MINI in Taiwan, leads the local automotive industry and provides the finest localized customer service. Pan German Motors Ltd. has deepened its presence in Taiwan in the past 50 years, as it continues to invest in software and hardware equipment to synchronize with BMW Group standards. Not only has the company won the trust of Taiwanese consumers with high-quality products and professional services, but also ranks among the best import markets for BMW globally with its record-breaking sales. Pan German Motors Ltd. also shares the same principles of sustainability as BMW and MINI, while actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities in Taiwan by tackling issues ranging from educational to environmental.