
Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance

Law Enforcement


The Right Thing Should prevail over what is convenient. The Argentina Association of ethics and Compliance (AAEC) is a non-governmental organization non-profit organization, which was founded as a response to the need to create a space for promotion and study of best practices in the matter within the scope of the Republic Argentina. It is as well as the as the first institution of its kind in the country and also in Latin America. Given the constant increase in the accumulation of rules and national and international regulations that are issued with the aim of providing greater security, stability, and reliability to the financial markets and to all interested parties (stakeholders), and also the policies and internal procedures within guidelines of corporate nature which organizations must comply, ethical and socially responsible business conduct, the adoption of models of transparency, strengthening its management and Administration and the implementation of the feature compliance as head of compliance control, are for organizations, an effective tool for generating value and are a critical factor in defining the style of the entity. PASSION FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING!!!