
ARRUS(ARchitecture Research Urban Solutions)

Architecture and Planning


ARRUS specializes in Architecture and Urbanism and offers design solutions, always informed by considerable contextual research. At any scale, we approach design with a global view and knowledge, while respecting local conditions. We have offices in the US and in Qatar, and have worked on projects of various scales and nature during our 11-year practice. We have grown particularly engaged in Qatar, where our staff has worked on projects such as the Open Space & Recreational Strategy for Qatar, the Qatar Urban Design Comepndium and the Regeneration Framework for Zones 15 & 16. We pride ourselves on the versatility of knowledge and skills we possess and continue to develop, and the commitment to a philosophy of deep engagement and understanding of the design tasks from all angles and in full view of their complexities. We engage in frequent lecturing and publishing of our work. We believe in knowledge transfer between academia and industry and have recently partnered with Qatar University on a number of projects. ARRUS has three founding partners, whose professional synergy shapes the practice: Velina Mirincheva leads the Qatar offices and is the business development engine of the company. She is an urban planner and designer, and a passionate placemaker. Kiril Mirinchev leads the Chicago office and adds 30 years of experience in architecture and masterplanning. Dr. Florian Wiedmann adds a wealth of knowledge on urban economics, strategy and development, and policy-making.