
APICE Europa - Associazione Per l'Incontro delle Culture in Europa

Civic and Social Organizations


Since February 2006, the website has offered the possibility of daily information on the European Union and the life of the Association, together with a space for interactivity and commentary on European current events. Communication on European issues finds further development in collaboration with national and local newspapers in Piedmont ("La Guida" in Cuneo, "La Voce e il Tempo" in Turin and other newspapers in the Piedmontese newspaper chain) and with online sites, with the production of over a thousand articles and comments on European news. In Piedmont APICE contributed to feeding the European network created in collaboration with subjects from Lombardy and to developing animation activities in the Piedmont area, in particular in the provinces of Turin and Cuneo, with schools, local authorities and civil society organizations, carrying out hundreds of information and training initiatives in its fifteen years of life.