
AndAll Life Science 安我健康



AndAll Life Science is a leading family wellness and lifestyle service platform founded in 2018. With three major segments in Anjiace™ At-home Health Testing, AndAll Tiangang® Health Big Data System, and AndAll U+™ Health Solutions, AndAll life sciences is devoted to providing our customers convenient and proactive health screenings and to make insightful decisions on choosing lifestyles that enhance their well-being and life quality. Our Anjiace™ At-home Health Testing reveals inherited genetic traits and current health conditions; with genetic markers, phenotype data and behavioral tracking, we use a comprehensive AndAll Tiangang® algorithm system to deliver actionable insights linking to personalized health solutions AndAll U+™ Health Solutions in different scenarios throughout the life for families. With the precision user-solution matching big data, we are also capable to empower our business partners with an innovative method for acquiring targeted customers efficiently and retaining them with matching products and services constantly, therefore leading to a persistent growth. Please feel free to contact us. 安我健康是中国领先的以健康大数据为基础的家庭健康服务平台,旗下包括安家测™️、 安我天罡®️、安我优+™️三大子品牌。其中,安家测™️是家用型健康检测、诊断产品和 服务品牌,为中国家庭提供包括HPV分型检测、肠道菌群检测、宝宝过敏基因检测等 系列产品,产品线覆盖疾病早筛、居家检测、基因检测等多个领域,满足家庭健康服 务的多种场景需求。自18年诞生起,安我基因凭借其高成长力,仅用1年时间便跃居 行业前列,获得百万母婴用户的信赖。 安我健康获得国家卫健委认证的医学检验所资质,拥有国家认证的临床医学检验所, 年规划检测量为百万级别。安我的安全体系建设行业领先,已通过国家信息安全三级 等保认证和国际ISO体系认证(ISO9000质量管理体系认证、ISO20000IT 服务管理 体系认证、ISO27001信息安全管理体系认证,以及ISO29151个人信息安全管理体系认证),具有符合医疗行业全闭环的信息安全解决方案。安我拥有专为中国人群研发的科研级基因检测芯片AASA™️和安我自有基因分析工具,提高了检测的准确性,在科 研和消费级基因分析领域展现了优异的性能。 如果您对我们的任何产品和服务感兴趣,欢迎直接联系我们。

  • Jin Mao Tower

    Jin Mao Tower, 88, Century Avenue, Lujiazui, Lujiazui Subdistrict, Pudong, Shanghai, 200010, China

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