
Albanian Minifootball Association

Spectator Sports
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The Albanian Minifootball Association is a Nonprofit Organization founded on December 2017 to organize and develop Minifootball in the Republic of Albania. Our Association is a Partner of the European Minifootball Federation and soon to become full member during the next General Assembly. After being accepted as a member of the European Minifootball Federation we will gain the right to be member of the World Minifootball Federation. Minifootball is a very widespread amateur activity with hundreds of pitches and thousands of players spread out all across Albania. Until now no organization has been able to take charge of the Minifootball activities in an organized way and our Mission is to become the Main Organization for Minifootball Support and Development. We have applied in the Ministry of Sports to be recognized as a Sports Federation and very soon we hope to receive good news about our Official Recognition. We are organizing the National Championship which will determine the teams which will take place in the Champions League 2018. The best players of the Championship will be selected to take part in the National Team which will represent Albania in the Minifootball European Championship, Euro 2018, organized by the EMF, 12-18 August 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.