

IT Services and IT Consulting

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E-COMMERCE IN STYLE AEFFE Lab is an e-business and digital marketing agency specialized in fashion and retail omnichannel e-commerce. We create, design and manage e-commerce B2B and B2C websites as well as promote brands and websites through our digital marketing services and in their growth-related issues through business intelligence. Our mission is to make our clients’ wishes come true starting from a tailor-made and omnichannel approach in order to lead them to their digital transformation. From brand identity design to retail expertise and full outsourcing solutions for online flagship stores, our team of specialists in Fashion & Retail will give you an unforgettable experience characterized by a luxurious style and a strong communication, for a one-of-a-kind journey through the e-business consulting world. ------ AEFFE Lab è un’agenzia di e-business e digital marketing specializzata nell’e-commerce omnichannel dei settori fashion e retail. Creazione, design e gestione di siti e-commerce B2B e B2C così come la promozione dei brand e dei siti tramite i servizi di digital marketing e la loro crescita attaverso la business intelligence sono i nostri punti di forza. La nostra mission è realizzare i desideri del cliente partendo da un approccio su misura ed omnichannel, per accompagnarlo nella sua digital trasformation. Dall’identity design al retail expertise fino all’online flagship in full outsourcing, il nostro team di esperti nel settore Fashion e Retail vi regalerà un’esperienza indimenticabile caratterizzata da uno stile ricercato e da una comunicazione efficace, per un viaggio unico nel mondo dell’e-business consulting.