
ABDA - Associação Brasileira do Déficit de Atenção

Civic and Social Organizations


1584/5000 The Brazilian Association for Attention Deficit Disorder (ABDA) is a nonprofit patient association founded in 1999 to disseminate accurate information based on scientific research on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In addition, we offer support to people with this disorder and their families through support groups, telephone assistance and especially response to emails and postings of content on our site that is taken as a national reference on the web. ADHD, also called ADD, ADHD or AD / HD, is a neurobiological disorder of genetic causes, officially recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) through ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases). In the effort to reach our goal of expanding education and knowledge of the population on the subject, we hold events for professionals from different areas. For both health and education professionals, the goal is always the same: to provide training so that the disorder can be identified, diagnosed and treated correctly. Among the events organized by ABDA we highlight: a biennial International Congress, Symposium for physicians (pediatricians, neurologists and psychiatrists, among others), Training Course for Teachers and Educators (public and private network), Training Course for Psychologists - since therapy is an important tool for dealing with certain impairments caused by this disorder.