
A Better Kindness

Consumer Services

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A Better Kindness


This section has proved harder than I expected to write, in short, I feel that we should show more respect to the animals and world around us, if you’re going to be part of taking an animal’s life then wouldn’t you like to think that they was treated with the upmost respect and care and when it came to the end, it suffered the least amount possible? The same goes for any resources that we take from this world, wouldn’t you like to think that the same care is given here, in the long run protecting your own future and the future of all life around us? So how can you help? It’s an easy answer, it starts with choice and I want to put people who care to the forefront of people’s choices. How am I going to do this? By using technology and making it much easier for you to find companies who care as much as me or more and show that there are better choices out there for you. I understand that we live in a busy world and it’s hard to find time to spend hours looking for the right place to buy your items, I believe if most people was offered two items, one from someone who cares about all the elements of their business and the impact it has, or someone who doesn’t care about anything but the end profit? I want to make it easier for the farms, restaurants and other companies out there that care about what they do and how they treat every element of their business to the forefront, their choices have real impact on the world around us all in a positive way, I want to help them and get them out there and be noticed and as this grows I know that many other companies will see that there is a better way and join us. My dream with this business is to make it much easier in this busy world to find these business and give everyone a better option for whatever you buy, just think, the thing you buy could have a positive outcome on the world simply by making a better choice. I really feel by doing this together we could change the world for the better.