
1972 Summit Series Hockey Team Inc.

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1972 Summit Series Hockey Team Inc. is the legal corporate representation of all 37 members of the Team Canada 1972 Hockey Team (Players and Coaches, including the heirs of the deceased team members) In 1999 Team Canada 1972 was voted "Team of the Century by the Canadian Press. The forging of this "Team of the Century" of 35 players from different NHL teams and diverse backgrounds - who overcame unbelievable obstacles on their way to hockey's greatest victory - left an educational legacy that the coach and players now bring to the nation: the "28,800 Project" (named after the total seconds Team Canada 1972 played over those eight games). Through a multi-platform approach, the "28,800 Project" will reach Canadians of all ages with the team's own message of the power of collaborative effort. Team Canada 1972, with partners such as Brock University, Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame, Hockey Canada and others, will educate and inspire Canadians through the memories and teaching lessons from 1972. For everyone on the team, this legacy project is their way of saying "Thank you!" to the country that has celebrated and honoured them since September 1972.