

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


罗欣药业是集药品研发、生产、贸易及医疗保健服务为一体的大型现代化企业集团公司。公司在山东建立了医药生产和贸易基地,其中罗欣工业园在罗庄区为两厂8区,恒欣工业园在费县经济开发区为3厂5区,医药物流为1部5区,医疗健康产业同步加快发展。 为增强企业核心竞争力,集团于2014年6月在上海张江高科技园区成立了罗欣生物科技(上海)有限公司,简称上海科研中心。借助上海张江高科技园区各项优势,由国内外医药研发领域内的优秀人才组建了科研团队,承担集团高科技项目的研发以及高科技人才培养,和总部形成了三位一体的科研体系,更加强势地推动新药研发。 上海科研中心秉承集团公司“家”的文化理念,坚持以人为本,吸引了众多海归科研技术人员先后加入到罗欣,到目前为止集团总部和上海科研中心共拥有科研人员300多名,其中有30名博士和150多名硕士。 成立至今,公司先后与国内知名CRO公司保持了良好的合作关系,并与欧洲、亚洲等大型医药集团建立了合作意向。 上海科研中心的成立给罗欣药业注入了新的活力,公司关注国际医药领域的最新资讯,结合自主创新、集成创新,不断地研发出具有高科技含量的产品,力争在国内及国际医药健康领域取得突破性进展。 Luoxin Group is a large enterprise that engages in the pharmaceutical research and development, manufacture, sales, and hospital service. Luoxin Group has its manufacture facility and sale’s organization base in Shandong and set up a world-class research and development center in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. In Shandong Province, the Luoxin Industry Park consists of two plants and eight sections in Luozhuang District, Linyi City; the Hengxin Industry Park consists of three plants and five sections; the logistics facility consists of one division and five sections. The Group's health care industry is developing rapidly. Shanghai Research Center has a professional team consisting of talents from both domestic and abroad. Taking the resource advantage of Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, the Center conducts the high-end research and training the talents for Luoxin Group, strongly promoting the development of new drugs. At present, there are more than 300 researchers, including 30 staff with doctor degree and more than 150 staff with master degree, and many overseas returnees. Luoxin Group has set up a national-level Postdoctoral Workstation and a joint Engineering Laboratory. The Luoxin Group also cooperated with Shenyang Pharmaceutical University to establish the Postdoctoral Workstation and the Teaching, Intern, and Employment Base for graduates from the University, which facilitates the company's rapid growth.