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广东峰华卓立科技股份有限公司 广东峰华卓立科技股份有限公司,是中国最早研究3D打印技术并产业化的公司之一,成功创造了以砂型3D打印为核心的先进制造技术并将之应用于国家最基础的铸造工业,是目前3D打印行业于工业产业化应用方面最为深刻和成功的企业。 广东峰华卓立科技股份有限公司的前身为佛山市峰华卓立制造技术有限公司,最早于2002年引进了清华大学激光快速成形中心颜永年教授团队于1997年就已天始着手开发的无模铸型制造技术,经过近8年的技术产业化试验及应用,直至2010年技术基本成熟,并逐步实现了广泛的产业应用推广,尤其是汽车发动机领域的应用和效果最为突出。 目前,峰华卓立公司已经发展成为了拥有完全的砂型3D打印设备的研发与制造、三维数据处理及3D数字化综合技术应用服务、数字化3D打印各类耗材的研发与销售,以及后续金属零部件与模具制造的成熟的工艺能力与设施的综合能力技术公司。其中,国内独创的微滴喷射砂型3D打印的冷芯制造技术正逐步替代铸造行业内被广泛使用的热芯制造技术,其独有的工艺优越性及同传统工艺的无缝兼容性,将极大的改变传统铸造行业的固有生产模式及制造技术。而基本3D打印技术所衍生发展完成的强大后端设计与铸造工艺能力,成就了峰华卓立公司各类型高端复杂金属零部件及模具制造上的顶尖技术优势。 Guangdong Fenghua Zhuoli Technology Co., Ltd. is one of China’s earliest companies engaging in researching 3D printing technology and commercialize the technology. The company successfully developed the advanced technology based on the 3D sand printing and applies the technology into China’s foundry industry. Currently it is one of the most successful enterprises in 3D printing. Guangdong Fenghua Zhuoli Technology Co., Ltd. is formerly called Foshan Fenghua Zhuoli Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.. In 2002, the PCM technology, which was developed by Professor Yan Yongnian’s R&D team from Tsinghua University’s Laser Fast Prototyping Center in 1997, was introduced into this company. After 8 years of industrial test and application, the technology was basically mature in 2010 and gradually had widespread industrial application and promotion. The auto engine makers are the most eager to apply this technology with outstanding result. Currently, Guangdong Fenghua Zhuoli Technology Co., Ltd. has grown into a technological company that could offer complete R&D & manufacturing technology of 3D sand printing equipment, digital engineering services for 3D data processing, R&D and sale of various 3D printing consumables, with proven capability of manufacturing subsequent metal components and molds.