

Professional Training and Coaching


对外汉语人俱乐部成立于2008年,始终致力于对外汉语行业专业信息资源的整合和传播工作,始终专注于为广大对外汉语行业关注者、从业者提供客观、真实、专业的线上和线下交流平台和项目服务。截至目前,对外汉语信息分享全平台访问量已经超过1000万,业已成为中国国内民间最有影响力的国际汉语教学专业网络信息资源平台之一。俱乐部目前的业务范围包括:国际汉语教学信息咨询服务、国际汉语教学资源开发、国际汉语教学单位人力资源服务、国际汉语教师实用教学技能培训、汉语教师海外游学与实习、留学与就业申请、汉语国际教育方向考研辅导等。联系方式 CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHING ASSOCIATION,founded in 2008, is a non-governmental and non-profitable organization relying on the "TCSOL(Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages) information sharing" network platform. CLTA has always been committed to the integration and dissemination of professional information resourcesof TCSOL field. Moreover CLTA serves as an objective, true, professional on-line and off-line communication platform and provide project services for the followers and the teachers of TCSOL field. CLTA has established vertical portal pages on main Chinese social media sites (such as Weibo, Renren, Douban, Wechat etc.) and the number of followers on these websites is always in the leading position in the TCSOL field. Up to now, the CLTA information sharing platform visits have already exceeded 10 million, which made it the most influential network platform of information sharing for TCSOL.